After devoting long hours and years of hard work in building their companies, majority owners of private businesses may reach a point where they consider whether it is time for them to sell. This large question – Is now the time for you to sell your business? – will depend on the answers to some
Buy-Sell Agreement
What’s Love Got to Do With It – Why Negotiating a Buy-Sell Agreement Is a Good Idea Even Among Family Business Owners
Family members who enter into a private business together are taking on double risk. They face the same types of challenges that all owners and investors face in operating/investing in a business, but they are also exposed to the risk their personal relationships may suffer if the company does not fare well. For this reason…
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Issues to Consider in a Business Divorce
It may be a reflection of summer’s lazy days or a simmering frustration that has built up over time, but it is not uncommon for a majority owner or a minority investor in a private company to decide the time has come to separate from his or her business partners. The majority owner may wish…
Time to Say Goodbye to Your Business Partner: When Subtraction Can Result in Addition for the Company
Successful private company owners often share the traits of having vision, passion and a strong sense of purpose. That does not mean that they govern their companies without having any disagreements with their minority partners. In fact, it is common for business partners to have divergent views about the company and its growth plans, because…